Zinnia-California Giants Mixed colors
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California Giant is a type of Zinnia, or Zinnia elegans. Giant blooms - up to 5" (12 cm) across - The flat-petaled semi-double flowers are displayed on long, graceful stems all summer and into fall. The mix includes a full range of earthtone colors. Plants are easy to grow and come into flower quickly. Use in mass plantings and mixed sunny beds. Excellent for cutting.
Latin Name & Planting Guidance
Latin Name: Zinnia elegans
Planting Guidance:
Seed Info
Approx. Seed Count:
Seed Treatment
Open Pollinated
Regional Names
Hindi Name:
Marathi Name: Jhenia झेंनिया
Gujrati Name:
Kannada Name:
Telugu Name:
Tamil Name:
Bengali Name:
Malayalam Name: